This month we are blessed to join guest teacher, Rāsa of Sattva Rāsa, to discuss the logistics & practicalities of cooking for a new mama.
In honor of the holidays, this interview will be pre-recorded & posted in the @wisewoman.ayurdoulas IGTV.
Rāsa will be personally answering your questions about the topics covered in the interview after it is posted!
This discussion will be pre-recorded and available to watch as of:
Monday, December 28, 2020
at 4:30 pm PST / 7:30 pm EST
The @wisewoman.ayurdoulas IGTV
About Rāsa
For the past 7 years, Rāsa has studied overall nutrition and Ayurveda. She was diagnosed with a chronic, life-long illness at 3 years old. In her early teens, she became plant-based, and began to focus heavily on her diet. At 14 years old, her doctors announced her clear of the illness they initially thought would last a lifetime. Her interest in nutrition and its influence on health skyrocketed.
Always having a love for cooking, she attended Johnson & Wales private University, earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Culinary Nutrition. She has spent time traveling around India learning, and experiencing Ayurvedic healing techniques such as panchakarma and marma therapy.
She now primarily focuses on personalized virtual and in-home care for postpartum mothers based on Ayurvedic principles, alongside her apothecary focused upon providing expecting and postpartum mothers with Ayurvedic and herbal products.
This is a student- & graduate-only event for the Wise Woman Ayurvedic Postpartum Care Specialist certification students & graduates!