Abhyanga Spotlight: The Face

How to—

Follow along with the video + use ample amounts of gently warmed oil, keep applying it in layers, & massage with gentle strokes over and over again. The more layers and strokes you use, the deeper the oil will penetrate into your skin, the deeper the benefits.

Steam your face afterward with a hot wet washcloth & remove the oil. The Ayurvedic way is to also use soft legume + herb powders to exfoliate and remove the perfect amount of oil.

Apparent benefits of castor oil for the face/skin —
⚘ deep cleans the skin of bacteria, dirt, excess oil & dead skin cells
⚘ clears acne quickly
⚘ makes the skin super soft, supple, & flawless
⚘ rehydrates the skin & keeps it hydrated
⚘ clears & moves lymph
⚘ reduces inflammation & puffiness
⚘ eliminates fine lines & wrinkles
⚘ makes eyelashes thicker & longer / fuller eyebrows
⚘ reduces scars and helps fill in acne scars
⚘ plumps skin
⚘ hydrates & softens chapped lips
(The above list is for educational purposes only & is not intended to prevent, treat, diagnose, cure, or mitigate any disease or any thing.)

Castor oil can cause an initial detox reaction if you have some major things to detox. Only use castor oil in moderation & make sure it is safe personally for you to use. Everyone is unique and reacts differently to different things!
